Rabu, 18 Desember 2019


 I guess I have to introduce myself eh? My name is [redacted], but you can call me Clare. Clare Lively is a name I created for my online activities. Why did I choose that name? I'll explain it down below

  • Clare -> Clar(e) -> Clar -> Klar -> Kelar, means 'finished'
  • Lively -> Liv(ely) -> Liv + ing -> Living 
 So Clare Lively = Finished Living. I know it's weird but I've always been drawn to death since I was little. Unfortunately barely anyone around me shares the same morbid fascination. I'm raised in a Christian family and go to a Christian school, so I've been told that death is a time when I'll finally meet God or be punished for eternity because of my sins. But I want to find my own answers, because I'm an atheist and I believe there's always a scientific explanation for everything. Eh, enough about that let's move on to the next topic.
 I like to read, write, and overthink. I'm currently trying to read more classic literature. I like to write poems about how I feel, and I like to write fucked up gore stories, haha. This blog is where I'm going to upload them. Honestly I don't have too many interests, I don't know why but I feel numb and dumb. I can't really see the point of anything anymore, everything is useless. I know I sound like those edgy teenagers.. and maybe I am. 
 I feel irritable and fatigued 24/7. Most of the time I feel numb but when I'm not I'm either frustrated, sad, or cranky. I don't really see a future for me and fuck, I feel so lonely. I'm currently on my Christmas break from school and I hate it but I also hate going to school. So that sucks.
 Anyway, I should probably end this, you're probably annoyed cause of my whining (or maybe I'm hoping too much, who reads this shit anyway). I want to apologize for any spelling or grammatical mistake since English isn't my first language. So thanks for stopping by :v


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